

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Good things !

Earphones.se is helping us out for our trip to boracay with Skullcandy earphones and caps . ! Really nice stuff , thank you :)

Had a good day hanging out with my friend Anton preparing some stuff for friday.

link : http://earphones.se/2010/12/anton-och-mikael-till-phillipinerna/


Tuesday, 28 December 2010


We thought about spending new years eve in a other way , Now on Friday the 31st we are leaving to Boracay, a paradise island in Phillipines for 3 months of kiting and easy living.

I just came home from south sweden spending christmas with family, lot of snow but no wind made me extra happy about the trip on Friday.


Saturday, 18 December 2010

My birthday !

Sickest birthday ever ! I didn´t see my good friend Anton for about a month, he was going back to sweden on the 23 of December so we was going to hook up on skype today, Suddenly he popps out from nowhere in my room !

We are heading to Bergsjöstool Norway on 27 of December to hook up with Helge (Blade Norway) and go for some snowkiting in great conditions and cable 2.0 system riding.

Take care. peace Mikey

Friday, 26 November 2010

3 contintents in 1 week !

So after i came back to Sweden i went to Halmstad for 2 days to pick up some stuff and to say hi to my classmates in my university. I came back to Kungsbacka my home town here in sweden yesterday and today i am heading to Stockholm to visit my sister who is in final in some kind of drink competition? and check out my friend Samuel Abellos gig on club Ambassadeur. I´m super stoked. But what really stokes me up even more is that i am going from Stockholm straight to Egypt on sunday !! I will be in Hurghada kiteboarding one week and the forecast looks really favourable. I am excited to have some nice powered sessions with the Blade 9m2 Prime


Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Just came back home to Sweden from spending november in California. I had a really good time just surfing, chilling, hanging around with good friends and just enjoying the states .

We have been living in Manhattan Beach , L.A in a big guesthouse of our friend just by the beach. We also spend some days skateboarding and visiting friends in Las Vegas, Santa Barbara and Hollywood.

When i went to the states i could still kite in sweden but now it looks like the only kite you can do here the rest 4 months is Snowkiting so im secretly heading to Margarita Island Venezuela with my good friend Anton who is still lost somewhere in USA.


Saturday, 20 November 2010